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2006 Annual Report

The goal of the Epidemiology in Texas Annual Report is to provide a yearly summary of incidence data, outbreak reports, and case narrative that enable health professionals and the public to understand, monitor, and prevent disease, injuries, and other health conditions in Texas.


  • Foreword
  • Contributors and acknowledgements

Part One:

Infectious Diseases

Table of Contents

  • Changes in Hepatitis A Incidence Rates Following Vaccine Introduction and Requirements for Children
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, 2006
  • HIV and AIDS in Texas, 2006
  • Influenza Surveillance in Texas, 1999-2006
  • Legionellosis in Texas, 2006
  • Murine Typhus in Texas, 2006
  • Perinatal Hepatitis C, 2002-2004
  • Pertussis Trends, 2000-2006
  • Salmonellosis, Excluding Typhoid Fever
  • Salmonellosis Trends and Serotypes
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Texas, 2006
  • Shigellosis in Texas
  • Staphylococcus-associated Mortality in Texas, 2000-2004
  • Tuberculosis in Texas
  • Vibriosis, Excluding Cholera

Outbreak Investigations by Health Service Region (HSR)

Table of Contents

  • HSR 7: Tracking Down Salmonellosis in a Central Texas Rodent Breeding Facility
  • HSR 2/3: Hepatitis A Outbreak
  • Salmonella Outbreak in HSR 2/3
  • HSR 9/10: Investigation of an Outbreak of Suspected Foodborne Illness in Andrews, Texas, October 2006 HSR 11: Mycobacterium mucogenicum Outbreak in a Hospital in South Texas, 2006

Birth Defects

  • Birth Defect Trends in Texas Health Service Region 11, 1996-2003


  • Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Texas, 2000-2004

Injuries, Mortality, Toxicology, and Environmental Reports

Table of Contents

  • Asbestosis and Silicosis Surveillance in Texas
  • Drowning Events in Texas, 2000-2004
  • Evaluation of Contaminants Found in Muscle and Liver Tissues of White-Tailed Deer
  • Inhabiting the Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge
  • Pesticide Exposure Surveillance in Texas Program
  • Sharps Injuries in Texas, 2000-2005
  • Texas Childhood Poisoning Prevention Program
  • Texas Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance System
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries, 2004: 2004 EMT/Trauma Registry-Hospital Data Report
  • Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries, 2004
  • Wildfire-related Mortality- Texas Panhandle

Substance Abuse

  • Substance Mentioned by Clients Admitted to Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Zoonotic Diseases

  • Rabies in Animals, 2006
  • West Nile Virus, 2006

Part Two:

Notifiable Diseases Statistical Summaries

Notifiable Conditions: Current and 2006 Lists

Reported Disease Tables

  • Table of Contents
  • Reported Diseases, 1997-2006
  • Reported Disease Cases per 100,000 Population, 1997-2006
  • Reported Diseases by Month of Onset, 2006
  • Reported Diseases by Age Group, 2006
  • Reported Disease Rates by Age Group Cases per 100,000 Population, 2006
  • Reported Diseases by Health Service Region, 2006
  • Reported Disease Rates by Health Service Region, Cases per 100,000 Population, 2006

Reported Disease Rates by Health Service Region

Table of Contents

Corrections and revisions


DSHS Publication Number E59-12544