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Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies Advisory Committee Task Forces

The task force was established to assist the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies Advisory Committe with the implementation of its projects. If you are interested in joining a task force as a subject matter expert, contact TCNWS at

Task Force Member Roles and Responsibilities

We need subject-matter experts to help with the implementation of a variety of surveys. Task force roles and responsibilities include:

  • Review, provide feedback on, and assist with beta-testing of survey instruments and other survey materials
  • Assist with survey marketing to increase response rates
  • Review and provide feedback on data reports
  • Propose data-driven recommendations

There are a variety of task force studies to take part in. Unless stated otherwise, each collects nurse staffing and related data on the identified subject matter on a biannual basis.

Hospital Nurse Staffing Study

Long Term Care Nurse Staffing Study

Home Health and Hospice Care Nurse Staffing Study

Texas Governmental Public Health Nurse Staffing Study

Workplace Violence Against Nurses

The WPVAN surveys include a survey of employers of nurses that collected data regarding workplace violence prevention policies and practices. There’s also a survey of individual nurses that collected data regarding personal experiences with workplace violence. 

For details on our activities, view our Task Force Charter.