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EMS Allotment-Allocation Eligibility

A licensed EMS Provider that provides 911 and\or emergency transfers may be eligible for funding through the following funds:

  • Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care System Account (Fund 5007);
  • Emergency Medical Services, Trauma Facilities, and Trauma Care System Fund (Fund 5108); and
  • Designated Trauma Facility and Emergency Medical Services Fund (Fund 5111).

We will provide the ability for you to check your organization's funding eligibility on the Excel spreadsheets on this web page. The spreadsheets will be updated as new information is received from EMS providers, and more information regarding this list can be found here:

Information on Potential Eligible EMS Providers for EMS Allotment/Allocation Funding

Potential Eligible EMS Providers

Funding rules require contracts or letters of agreement must be dated and submitted to the department on or before November 30, 2024.  

Contract Verification

In order to be considered for funding in any county outside your county of licensure, the department is requesting a copy of the contract of agreement for which each county that emergency medical services are being provided along with the following:

Confirmation Form for Providing Emergency 911 or Emergency Transfer Service in a county other than the County of licensure

Geo-Political Sub-Division Verification

If an EMS provider is licensed in a particular county and has a contract or agreement with a county government or taxing authority for a service area whose boundary lines cross multiple county lines, it will be considered eligible for the 911 EMS Allocation for all counties overlapped by that geopolitical subdivision's boundary lines. The department is requesting a copy of the agreement (if available) or a copy of the jurisdiction map for which each county that emergency medical services are being provided along with the following:

Confirmation Form for Geo-Political Sub-Division

RAC Eligibility Requirements

You must meet ALL RAC eligibility/participation requirements for the previous year, including meeting attendance, participation in performance improvement activities, as requested and utilization of the RAC’s regional trauma plan protocols. 

Link to Acknowledge Utilization of RAC Protocols form

Expenditure Reporting

Submission of all appropriate expenditure reports to the RAC at the end of each contracted fiscal year. This requirement applies if your organization received EMS Allotment/Allocation funds, and you may contact your local RAC office with questions about your expenditure documentation requirements. 

Funding Distribution

Funding is dependent on the amount of money available in the accounts and calculation of the funding formula. The formula includes a trauma service area’s geographic size, its population, and the number of eligible emergency healthcare runs (trauma AND medical). 

RAC Distribution Plan

Funds are disbursed through your RAC which determines how much funding your organization may receive through the RAC distribution plan. Contact staff in your local RAC office for details regarding distribution of EMS Allotment/Allocation funds.

Statute and Rules
Health & Safety Code: 773.122
Texas Administrative Code: §157.130

Contact information for your Trauma Service Area RAC.


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