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Injury Prevention Helpful Links

DSHS Injury-Related Websites

Internet Diagram

  • EMS Trauma Systems
    This program regulates Texas emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma systems. This website contains information about EMS certification, licensing, trauma designation, and more.
  • Governor's EMS & Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC)
    GETAC promotes, develops, and maintains a comprehensive EMS/Trauma System.
  • Product Safety
    This program works to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Texans by reducing the risk of illness, injury, or death resulting from the reasonable, foreseeable, and customary handling or use of hazardous, or potentially hazardous, consumer products, including children's products.
  • Safe Riders
    This program provides helpful information about child passenger safety (CPS) including links to related local and national websites.
  • Texas Poison Center Network
    This network provides emergency treatment information to Texans for poisonings or toxic exposures.

National Injury Websites

  • American Trauma Society (ATS)
    ATS is a nationwide, nonprofit, voluntary organization dedicated to the prevention of trauma and improvement of trauma care.
  • Children's Safety Network (CSN)
    CSN is a resource center for maternal and child health and injury prevention professionals in state and territorial health departments who are committed to reducing injuries and violence among children and adolescents.
  • Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMS-C)
    The EMS-C funds states and U.S. territories to expand and improve emergency care for children through research, partnership, and practice. The EMS-C is the only federal program focused specifically on improving the quality of children's emergency care.
  • National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention (National Center)
    The National Center provides technical support and collects data for child fatality reviews. They assist child death review and fetal and infant mortality review programs throughout the U.S.
  • National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA)
    NDPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the incidence of drowning and preventing tragedy around water. The alliance maximizes efforts to prevent drowning through the development and implementation of strategies to facilitate and improve education, public awareness, effective barrier codes, and greater utilization of layers of protection.
  • The EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC)
    EIIC is a national resource center to optimize outcomes for children across the emergency care continuum by leveraging quality improvement science and multidisciplinary, multisystem collaboration.
  • National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) 
    NVDRS is a national database linking the "who", "when", "where", and "how" from violent death data to provide insights into the "why" the deaths occurred.
  • Safe Kids Worldwide
    Safe Kids Worldwide is a global network of organizations whose mission is to prevent accidental childhood injury, a leading killer of children ages 14 and under.
  • Safe States Alliance
    Safe States is a national non-profit organization of professionals committed to strengthening the ability of state, territorial, and local health departments to reduce death and disability associated with injury and violence.

Texas Trauma Organizations

The Texas Department of State Health Services does not endorse external links to other websites or documents created by other agencies. These links and documents are informational and may not be accessible to persons with disabilities.

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