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Manufactured Foods - Public Health Region 1


The Manufactured Foods Division inspects food manufacturers, wholesale food distributors, salvage establishments, and bottled and vended water establishments. Under the Texas Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Texas Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Salvage Act, the regulatory authority has been granted to prevent the unlawful manufacture or distribution of adulterated or misbranded food. In addition to our regulatory responsibilities, we focus on food safety and education for firms that manufacture and distribute prepackaged foods in the State of Texas. Our investigators respond to disasters and citizen complaints and provide technical assistance to the regulated industry.

Department of State Health Services, PHR1
Manufactured Foods Program 

6302 Lola Ave.
Lubbock, TX 79424

Phone: 806-744-3577
Fax: 806-783-6435

For Retail Foods Program-related questions, contact Daryl Watson.

DSHS Manufactured Foods Program related links:

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If you have comments or suggestions, please contact us.