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Community Health Improvement - Public Health Region 1


To improve the health and well being of Texas families by increasing access to healthcare through community collaboration with a focus on prevention and to provide population-based services to counties in PHR-1 not served by a local health department.  

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) aims to improve the health of women of childbearing age, adolescents, children, infants, and children with special health care needs. Our staff supports the development of family-centered, community-based, and coordinated systems of care. 


  • Certified Child Passenger Safety Inspection and Installation
  • Work with community leaders and stakeholders to prevent infant and child injuries and deaths due to causes of infant mortality, suicide, motor vehicle fatalities and other preventable deaths, and by participating in and supporting Child Fatality Review Teams in the Panhandle and South Plains
  • Provide training and technical assistance to Texans related to the prevention and awareness of Human Trafficking, and Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
  • Provide DSHS-Certified Community Health Worker continuing education hours through biannual educational events and collaboration with regional partners
  • Provide training and technical assistance to community partners and providers of health & safety programs for migrant and seasonal farmworkers and refugee families
  • Provide training and technical assistance on Positive Youth Development
  • Mobilize community partnerships
  • Link individuals and families to appropriate community and/or social services
  • School Health Nurse Liaison– Serves as a resource on school health nursing practices and education programs. Provides technical assistance. Conducts spinal screening certification and re-certification trainings

Resource Links

Region 1 Staff Contact Information

Lubbock Office
6302 Iola Ave
Lubbock, TX 79424

Taiya Jones, LBSW
Health Education Manager, Certified as Community Health Worker Instructor and Child Passenger Safety Technician

Tammy Moriearty
Program Specialist, Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician 

Denese Jamerson  
Program Specialist, Certified Community Health Worker Instructor

Armarillo Office
3407 Pony Express Way
Amarillo, TX 79118

Lee Gibbons
Program Specialist, Certified as Community Health Worker Instructor and Child Passenger Safety Technician

Diadria Robinson-Moore  
Program Specialist, Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician 

Keila Johnson 
Community Health Improvement Manager 

Pampa Office
121 South Gillespie St
Pampa, TX  79065

Brooke Hancock RN, BSN 
School Health Liaison Nurse
Office: 806-802-7003
Cell: 806-696-2093
Fax: 806-665-0807 

External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Department of State Health Services. These links may also not be accessible to persons with disabilities.

If you have comments or suggestions, please contact us.