Texas Health Steps - Public Health Region 8
Program Manager
Diane Bernal, LMSW
Office phone: 210-949-2147
THSteps Team Lead
David Garcia
Office phone: 210-949-2159
Texas Department of State Health Services, Region 8
7430 Louis Pasteur Drive
San Antonio, TX 78229
FAX: 210-949-2047
Hotline: 877-THSTEPS -- 877-847-8377
What is THSteps?
The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) service is Medicaid's comprehensive preventive child health service (medical, dental, and case management) for individuals from birth through 20 years of age. Texas Health Steps Providers | Texas Health and Human Services
In Texas, EPSDT is known as Texas Health Steps (THSteps), which includes the preventive care components, or Early and Periodic Screening, of the total EPSDT service. The administration of the program is accomplished through contracts and agreements with medical providers, claims administrators (claims reimbursement processor), enrollment brokers, various managed care organizations, and state agencies including the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
The mission of Texas Health Steps (THSteps) focuses on medical, dental, and case management services for individuals from birth through age 20, and is dedicated to:
- Expanding client and provider awareness of existing medical, dental, and case management services through outreach and informational efforts.
- Recruiting and retaining a qualified provider pool to assure the availability of comprehensive preventive medical, dental, and case management services.
For Providers
What do Provider Relations Representatives do?
To help carry out this mission, all DSHS Health Service Regional offices have provider relations staff (PDF) to ensure that all providers receive timely policy updates and comprehensive, accurate, high-quality service.
Provider Relations key responsibilities include:
- Developing a Relationship with Providers
- Participation in Provider Recruitment and Retention
- Provider Visits
- Technical Assistance
- Contact Documentation and Data Collection
- Formal Provider Training
- Expert Forums and Other Events
- Promoting Case Management programs
- Collaborating with our Managed Care Partners and other Stakeholders
In DSHS Public Health Region (PHR) 8 (See Territory map below) the territory is divided in three distinct areas and served by a Provider Relations Representative.
Want to become a THSteps Provider?
The following provider types may provide Texas Health Steps preventive services within his or her scope of practice and must be enrolled in Texas Medicaid as a THSteps provider:
- Pediatric and general dentists (DDS or DMD)
- A physician (Doctor of Medicine (M.D) or Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.), or physician group
- A physician assistant (PA)
- A clinical nurse specialist (CNS)
- A nurse practitioner (NP)
- A certified nurse-midwife (CNM)
- A healthcare provider or facility with physician supervision including, but not limited to a:
- Community-based hospital and clinic
- Family planning clinic
- Home health agency
- Local or regional health department
- Maternity clinic
- Migrant health center
- School-based health center
How to enroll as a THSteps provider:
If you want to help provide preventive care to kids and teens, you can enroll as a Texas Health Steps provider through the Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS). You may also contact TMHP directly on their Provider Helpline 800-925-9126 or visit their website, Texas Health Steps | TMHP.
For more detailed information about Medicaid and Texas Health Steps services, policies, and claims, refer to the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual.
Helpful Links
To learn more about Texas Health Steps, see the following websites and resources: