Community Health Improvement - Public Health Region 8

Katherine Velasquez, PhD, RN
Community Health Improvement Manager
7430 Louis Pasteur
San Antonio, TX 78229
To improve the health and well-being of Texas families by focusing on prevention and increasing access to health care through community collaboration.
Community Health Improvement (CHI) services include many programs addressing the health and well-being of women and children. We often work together with the members and leaders of our communities on their well-being. Region8 CHI has workers in 12 field offices, which are located in Bandera, Boerne, Del Rio, Floresville, Goliad, Hallettsville, Karnes, Kerrville, Pearsall, Port Lavaca, Seguin, and Uvalde. Our services include:
- Programs for communities and groups:
- Wellness
- Prevention and health promotion
- Health education
- Community collaboration and partnerships
- Related technical assistance
- Child and adolescent injury prevention
- Child passenger safety—checking and putting in child car seats
- Immunizations—shots for babies, children, and adults
- Healthy eating across the lifespan
- Breastfeeding
- Healthy life choices
- Human trafficking prevention, information, and referral
- Safe Sleep (Sudden Infant Death prevention)
- Spinal screening and training for school staff
- Perinatal hepatitis B training in hospitals
- Seeing and hearing testing (Vision and Hearing Screening)
- Suicide prevention training
- Help finding services, such as:
- Family planning, including birth control
- Health care and screening for children
- Social services, such as food, housing, job training, etc.
- Tobacco cessation
- Case management
Additional Resources
Maternal & Child Health (MCH)
Maternal Health Care Bureau, Title V Information System
Adolescent Health Program - Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
Breast and Cervical Cancer in Texas
Epilepsy Services - Department of State Health Services (HHS)
Family Planning in Texas – Texas Healthy Women
Newborn Screening Program - Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
Indigent Health Care Program
Primary Health Care in Texas
Spinal Screening Program