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Advisory Committees

Texas Capitol Rotunda

Advisory committees provide valuable input regarding programs, policies, and rules as the agency seeks to become more responsive and effective in addressing needs. DSHS works together with advisory committees to ensure that Texans have access to effective public health services and that all Texans live and work in safe, healthy communities. Advisory committees may be called committees, councils, boards, or task forces.

DSHS Commissioner-Appointed Boards, Councils, Committees, and Task Forces


DSHS Advisory Committees Web List January 2025

Committee Name



Advisory Committees List

Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Medication Advisory Committee


Advises in the development of procedures and guidelines for the Texas HIV Medication Program. Reviews program's goals and aims, evaluates ongoing efforts, and recommends short-range and long-range goals and objectives. 

Sylvia Jimenez

Texas Maternal Mortality and
Morbidity Review Committee

Studies and reviews cases of pregnancy-related deaths and trends in severe maternal morbidity; determines the feasibility of task force study of several maternal morbidities; and makes recommendations to help reduce the incidence of pregnancy-related deaths and severe maternal morbidity in Texas. 

Committee Email:

Kobi Ajayi

Sarah Beard

Medical Advisory Board 

Assists the Department of Public Safety in determining whether an applicant for a driver's license or a license holder is capable of safely operating a motor vehicle; or whether an applicant or holder of a private security commission or a license to carry a concealed handgun is capable of exercising sound judgment concerning the proper use and storage of a handgun. 

Jorie Klein

Newborn Screening
Advisory Committee


Advises DSHS regarding strategic planning, policy, rules, and services related to newborn screening.

Committee Email:

Aimee Millangue

Promotor(a) Community Health Worker Training and Certification Advisory Committee 

Advises DSHS on rules concerning training and regulation of promotores or community health workers.

Beatrice Smith 

Frank Luera  

Public Health Funding
and Policy Committee


Defines core public health services a local health entity should provide in a county or municipality; evaluates public health in the state and identifies initiatives for areas that need improvement; identifies funding sources available to local health entities; establishes public health policy priorities; and makes recommendations to DSHS annually.


Glenna Laughlin

Michael Comfort


Sickle Cell Task Force 

Studies and advises the department on implementing the recommendations made in the 2018 Sickle Cell Advisory Committee Report published by the Sickle Cell Advisory Committee, or any other report the Executive Commissioner determines is appropriate. 

Aimee Millangue

State Child Fatality Review Team 

Develops an understanding of the causes and incidences of child deaths. Identifies procedures within the agencies represented on the committee to reduce the number of preventable child deaths.  Promotes public awareness and makes recommendations to the Governor and Legislature for changes in law, policy, and practice to reduce the number of preventable child deaths.

Committee Email:

Sarah Blezinger

Jia Benno

State Preventive Health
Advisory Committee


Works with DSHS in the development and implementation of the state plan for the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant.

Laura Bianco

Stock Epinephrine
Advisory Committee


Examines and reviews the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors to a person experiencing an anaphylactic reaction on a campus of a school district, an open-enrollment charter school, a private school, or an institution of higher education.

Ashley Khanhkham


Dianna Pierson

Texas School Health
Advisory Committee


Advises Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on school health matters as described below:

  1. Establishes a leadership role for DSHS in the support for and delivery of coordinated school health programs and school health services,

  2. Uses the findings of the analysis of the student physical fitness assessment instrument adopted by the Texas Education Agency in:

  3. A. Assessing the effectiveness of coordinated health programs provided by school districts and 
    B. Developing recommendations for modifications to coordinated health program requirements or related curriculum.

Ashley Khanhkham

Dianna Pierson

Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account Administration
Advisory Committee


Advises DSHS on program rules and reviews results of any audit conducted or any dispute filed concerning Tobacco Settlement Proceeds.

Committee Email:

Amira Suton

Toxic Substances Coordinating Committee

Protects and promotes the health and environment of Texas through the prevention and control of adverse health and environmental effects related to toxic substances and harmful agents.

Heidi Bojes

Youth Camp Advisory Committee

Provides advice on the development of standards, procedures, and rules to implement the Youth Camp Act.

Jeff Mantia

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HHS Executive Commissioner, Governor, and Legislative-Appointed Boards, Councils, Committees, and Task Forces


DSHS Advisory Committees Web List January 2025

Committee Name



Governor's EMS and Trauma
Advisory Council


Provides professional advice to the EMS regulatory and EMS and Trauma systems programs. Serves as a forum for stakeholder input. Reviews and recommends changes to rules, assesses the need for EMS in the rural areas of the state, and develops a strategic plan for refining the educational requirements for certification and maintaining certification as EMS personnel. 

Jorie Klein

Preparedness Coordinating Council
Advises and assists the Department of State Health Services as a multidisciplinary strategic review forum concerning topics related to preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities in Texas at the state level as they pertain to Emergency Support Function (ESF)-8 (Public Health and Medical).

Dana Birnberg

Aimee Wong

Statewide Health Coordinating Council

Ensures that health care services and facilities are available to all citizens in an orderly and economical manner. Based on these planning activities, makes recommendations to the Governor and Legislature through the Texas State Health Plan. 

Committee Email:

Lissette Curry

Task Force of
Border Health Officials


Identifies and raises awareness of health issues impacting border communities and establishes policy priorities to enhance border public health, creating a healthy binational community. Makes recommendations to the commissioner for short-term and long-term border health improvement plans.

Committee Email:

Guillermo Zenizo Lindsey

Task Force on
Infectious Disease
Preparedness and Response

The Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response is an advisory panel the governor created to provide expert, evidence-based assessments, protocols, and recommendations related to state responses to infectious diseases, including Ebola, and serve as a reliable and transparent source of information and education for Texas leadership and citizens. 

Committee Email:
Phone: 512-969-0428

Austin Bailey

Saroj Rai

Texas Center for Nursing
and Workforce Studies


Guides in the accuracy of reporting nursing workforce data and research results; Develop priorities and an operations plan for the Center for Nursing and Workforce Studies (CNWS). Provides policy recommendations to assure an adequate nursing workforce for the State of Texas. Identifies other issues concerning nursing professionals in Texas that need further study.

Pamela Lauer

Texas Council on
Alzheimer's Disease 
and Related Disorders


Advises and recommends needed actions for the benefit of persons with Alzheimer's disease and related disorder and their caregivers; disseminates information on services and related activities; coordinates services and activities of state agencies, associations, and other service providers; and encourages statewide coordinated research. 

Committee Email:

Julie Ketelsen

Rachel Wiseman

Texas Council on Cardiovascular
Disease and Stroke


Develops a plan to reduce the morbidity, mortality, and economic burden of cardiovascular disease and stroke in Texas. Conducts health education, public awareness, and community outreach. Coordinates activities among agencies to improve access to treatment. Develops a database of recommendations for treatment and care. Collects and analyzes information related to cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Committee Email:

Julie Ketelsen  

Rachel Wiseman

Texas Diabetes Council

Addresses issues affecting people with diabetes. Advises the Legislature on legislation that is needed to develop and maintain a statewide system of quality education services for all people with diabetes and health care professionals who offer diabetes treatment and education.

Committee Email:

Julie Ketelsen

Rachel Wiseman

Texas Radiation Advisory Board

Provides technical guidance and advice on radiation programs to DSHS, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Railroad Commission of Texas, and Texas Board of Medical Examiners.

Gem Naivar

Lisa Bruedigan

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are advisory committee meetings open to the public? 
In most instances, advisory committee meetings are open to the public and subject to the Open Meetings Act ( Government Code, Chapter 551). Some advisory committees hold closed sessions to discuss cases or activities of a confidential nature. Open meeting notices are posted on the Secretary of State's website. Advisory committee meeting dates, times, and locations (or links) can be found on the open meetings schedule. Sign up at to receive notifications about open meetings, as well.

Are advisory committee meetings broadcast live? 
HB 630, 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, directs each health and human services agency to broadcast live video and audio of open meetings and to provide access to archived video and audio of meetings on the agency's website by 2023. 

Using the Microsoft Teams platform, all DSHS advisory committees are broadcasting open meetings, and you can view the scheduled Live and Archived Webcast Meetings.  The public may also join any open meeting by telephone in person or remotely with the phone number and location provided in the meeting notice.

How can I provide feedback to an advisory committee? 
You can make a public comment at an advisory committee meeting. There is time on the agenda for public comment at each open meeting. Please note there may be a time limit for comments.  Instructions for public comment will be provided before the meeting or by contacting the point of contact named on the posted meeting agenda 72 hours before the meeting as required by law. Some committees also provide opportunities for written comment. Check with the meeting contact listed online for more information. 

How do I apply for membership on an advisory committee?
There are more than 25 advisory committees that provide advice on agency rules, policies, and programs. Member appointments are made by the DSHS Commissioner, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Executive Commissioner, the Governor, or other legislative officers and vary by committee. You can find open positions, how to apply, and applications for membership below, at HHS Advisory Committees, and on individual advisory committee pages.

Current Advisory Committee Openings

New Advisory Committee Member Training Modules

New DSHS Advisory Committee Members are required to complete training within 90 days of appointment to a committee. Below are five PowerPoint Training Modules* for new member orientation. 

*Webinar training modules are currently being revised.

Additional Training and Resources

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Advisory Committee Updates

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