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2006-2007 Texas Influenza Surveillance Activity

Current Flu Activity Report

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Influenza Surveillance Report for MMWR Week 18

The flu activity level for the week ending May 5, 2007 is no activity. No activity indicates that lab confirmed cases of influenza have not been reported in the state. This is the first week that Texas has reported no activity in 2007.

The DSHS laboratory did not isolate any influenza from specimens collected during week 18.

No school closures or institutional outbreaks were reported during week 18.

Sixty-nine sentinel providers have reported for week 18. Of all patient visits during this week, 3.11% were due to influenza-like illness (ILI). The baseline for Texas is 3.71%. The baseline is the mean percentage of patient visits for ILI during non-influenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations.

Percentage of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Reported by Sentinel Providers in Texas as of 5/25/07 
Week # Reporting Age 0-4 Age 5-24 Age 25-64 Age over 64 Total ILI Total Patients % ILI
2006-40 61 71 120 65 9 265 15479 1.71
2006-41 59 104 126 93 14 337 16457 2.04
2006-42 77 250 187 154 44 635 25223 2.51
2006-43 77 219 188 153 20 580 23296 2.48
2006-44 72 235 254 164 39 692 22504 3.07
2006-45 71 356 249 182 42 829 22660 3.65
2006-46 71 495 312 228 62 1097 24033 4.56
2006-47 76 450 277 237 95 1009 19958 5.05
2006-48 78 442 275 302 70 1089 24495 4.44
2006-49 84 374 325 283 96 1078 24229 4.44
2006-50 72 387 381 252 80 1100 22227 4.94
2006-51 67 349 259 187 50 845 17402 4.85
2006-52 63 460 199 264 104 1027 16039 6.40
2007-01 86 343 221 284 84 932 20681 4.50
2007-02 72 329 244 284 84 941 21819 4.31
2007-03 70 242 223 128 19 612 15461 3.95
2007-04 80 518 475 283 106 1382 24696 5.59
2007-05 82 560 580 380 62 1582 25999 6.08
2007-06 74 479 753 434 43 1709 26741 6.39
2007-07 82 685 755 466 71 1977 25436 7.77
2007-08 80 658 893 546 159 2256 27487 8.2
2007-09 76 585 661 475 132 1853 25965 7.13
2007-10 73 465 497 331 67 1360 21111 6.15
2007-11 56 380 347 396 84 1207 20651 5.84
2007-12 57 194 251 185 27 657 16210 4.05
2007-13 61 213 243 264 72 792 21393 3.70
2007-14 78 239 246 284 83 852 24500 3.47
2007-15 77 315 316 245 105 981 21020 4.66
2007-16 75 217 213 215 69 714 23028 3.10
2007-17 65 189 215 199 53 656 20703 3.16
2007-18 69 152 217 181 39 589 18881 3.11

2006-2007 Texas Influenza Surveillance Information - Flu Reports

For the week ending: