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Contractor Resources – Routine HIV Testing

Required Reporting for Routine HIV Testing Contractors

All DSHS Contract Management Section (CMS) Required Prevention Grantee Forms are available online. Submit forms to the applicable email address (see below). Copy the assigned contract manager and your program consultant.

DSHS CMS Required Forms

Invoices and Voucher Submission 

Grantees must submit monthly requests for reimbursement of services performed. The deadline is the last business day of the month following service delivery.

Grantees must identify expenditures by budget category. they must submit both the State of Texas Voucher Form B-13 and the Voucher Support Form to both Invoice and

  • Form B-13 Invoice – Purchase Voucher Form – Submit monthly, even if zero dollars, along with the Voucher Support Form. DO NOT COMBINE MONTHS.
  • Voucher Support Form – Details monthly expenditures by category.

Financial Status Report – FSR Form 269A

Grantees with contract categorical budgets must submit quarterly FSRs to System Agency. Submit the FSR by the last business day of the month following the end of each quarter.

The FSR form must be sent from the Certifying Official to the FSR Grants inbox and the assigned Contract Manager. Email:

Submit the final FSR no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the end of the applicable term.

Contract Amendments

A grantee’s request for certain budget revisions or other amendments must be submitted in writing (email). Include a justification for the request to the assigned contract manager and cc your program consultant.

We may grant revisions or other amendment requests at our discretion.

Cumulative budget transfers among direct cost categories, such as Personnel, Travel, Supplies, etc., can happen without an amendment if the transfers are less than 10% of the allocation amount (10% rule), or 25% for local health departments/districts. You cannot transfer funds between funding opportunities, i.e., scopes of work.

Transfers to or from the Equipment or Indirect category will always require an amendment.

Request for Budget Change Form

Discuss your request for a budget change with your program consultant. Complete and email/submit the Request for Budget Change Form anytime you want to move funds. Note the 10% and 25% rules above.

Property Inventory Report (Form GC-11)

An updated Inventory Report is due every October 15. Email updated report to 

Forms and Requirements for Data Collection and Submission

Progress Reports

All DSHS HIV/STD-funded programs must complete and submit reports according to the due dates identified in the HIV/ROUTN Contract. Contact your consultant ASAP if you will not be able to meet this deadline.

Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Contractors must ensure the performance of activities is of a high quality. It must be in full compliance with all the requirements and align with the Routine Screening Program Quality Management Core Tool. Quality Assurance self-audits must be conducted each fiscal year at all screening sites using the HIV/STD Prevention and Care Branch, Routine Screening Program Quality Management Core Tool. Documentation of self–audits, the corrective action plan, and implementation of the corrective action plan must be kept on file for a minimum of three years following the date of the self-audits. All documentation must be made available to the DSHS program staff for review.

Technical Assistance

Routine Testing Resources

For guidance on establishing a new routine screening program please review the Essentials for Implementing Routing HIV Testing as a Standard of Care.


Billing and Coding

Referral to Care and Services

Texas Law and Routine HIV Testing

Guidelines and Recommendations


Other Resources

Surveillance Reports

Educational Materials